
Bookings To book a meeting room and facilities at the Council’s Meeting Centre, please contact the meeting coordinator, Angelique Voorham, for information and for an obligationfree quotation. You can also ask at reception about the availability of rooms. To help us understand your requirements and how we can meet them, we ask you to provide an outline of the programme for your meeting or event. Once you have booked, please let us have more detailed information as soon as possible, together with the contact details of the organiser’s representative. This should be someone understands the organiser’s expectations and wishes and knows which facilities are required. A contact person must also be present throughout the meeting or event. Meeting coordinator (Angelique Voorham) T +31 (0)70 349 9706 E Reception T +31 (0)70 349 9499 E Meetings Guide online You can find the most up-to-date version of this brochure at Go to “For visitors” [Voor bezoekers] and click on Meeting Centre: Meetings Guide (in the right-hand column). You can also download the guide as a PDF file. 24 Pagina 23

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